Starting Rough in's

We are finally finishing the framing in the downstairs Phase 1 area! This is the downstairs main living space, living room, a den, kitchen and dining space. This is the only place we have construction right now (except there is a hole in the upstairs roof and floor from where the chimney was removed). We have had some awesome help this week and this weekend from Brain, Hollynd and Don.

It's the 4th of July! There was a fireworks show in Cle Elum. A "stay in your car" event. And there was an unofficial parade through town.  They launched the fireworks at higher elevation so that they could be viewed from farther away. We got the front porch decorated with what was left at the dollar store yesterday, and had red and blue jello with berries and whip cream!

Travis said the next stage is rough in's. We can put in electrical boxes and heating/ac things and whatever else that means. We already have insulation provided. After that it's Drywall! Lord bless drywall and drywallers in the Cle Elum area in the name of Jesus! Give us of your abundance in this and bless each soul that is a part of the drywall provision at our house!  Thank you for solving this and bringing it to pass.  Amen.

I put the new mailbox in! Katie and I had put it together, and after I dug the hole, Travis helped me mix concrete. Then for the rest of the day I was adjusting it with a level and fidgeting with whether is was crooked or not. But it can't be crooked because God is in charge of this house and He goes before me and makes the crooked places straight! Among His other promises as a good father and Lord. -Isaiah 45:2
I'd like to use brick from the chimney to surround the mailbox post and make it more secure.

* I was just sitting here writing about the promises in Isaiah 45, just sitting right outside my house on that step by the mailbox. Then I got up to take a picture of the mailbox for the post.  I shouldn’t be so surprised but I can’t believe there’s a rainbow in the picture!!!! 
I mean—  I’m in awe of how present He is with us. Loving and supporting us, never breaking a promise and even giving me a sign. Miracles. Real miracles happening xoxo 😘 


  1. I’m absolutely loving reading these posts❣️ Love YOU ❌⭕️❌⭕️ That mailbox looks perfectly straight 🙌🏻🙌🏻

  2. Love this!!!! So precious to see and appreciate the way the Lord honors His promises in such unique and personal ways!


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